Humble Lodge No. 979 A.F. & A.M.
210 Main Street
Humble, Texas 77338
I have found that if you press "ENTER" after entering your Id or phone number then click on the "Pay Now" button it will finally connect..
You can now pay you Lodge dues online by using PAYPAL.
This is a safe and secure way to pay your dues.
You can pay with a credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account.
Under a new Grand Lodge change, if your dues are not paid by 12/31/2024, you will be in arrears and will not be allowed to to attend any masonic functions.
If they are not paid by June 23, 2025 you will be automatically suspended for NPD.
Why we ask for you name and Membership ID or phone number. This will help us insure that your dues payment is applied to the correct account. We have some members with duplicate names
Note: A processing fee of $7.02will be added to your payment for a total of $187.02
PayPal charges 3.62% of $180.00 = $6.53 + .49 cents.
Click on the BUY NOW tab below to pay dues.